
Ridiculous Things That Never Should Have Been Invented

This is the abridged version of a list I've been making all morning. It has no deeper meaning other than the fact that I honestly don't understand why ANY of these things exist. I mean, seriously. Every single one of these items just begs the question, "WHY?!?!?!!?!?"

1. Pantyhose

2. Sauerkraut

3. Skinny jeans

4. Twizzlers

5. Hummers

6. Inflatable furniture

7. Tissue Box Covers

8. Paperweights

9. The entire teaberry flavor

10. These lawn ornament things

Feel free to add!


Thought for the day

One of my professors posed this question to our class earlier this week; it's a quote from David Copperfield. Days later, I'm still thinking about it.

"Will you be the hero of your own story?"

Out of curiosity, what kind of thoughts does this question generate for you?

My own take on the question? I think it's equally as important to consider, "Should I be the hero of my own story?"