
Surprise?! most of you have probably noticed, I've avoided pretty much all mention of politics here over the last two years. I'm hesitant to get into it now; it's been my experience that political conversations, even with the best of intentions, get ugly fast. And I know some of you are pretty passionate about what you believe in and which presidential candidate you were voting for or supporting.

HOWEVER, I was listening to the radio this morning and heard a pretty neat broadcast that I wanted to share with you all, regardless of which candidate you support(ed).

The morning show host was saying that with the results of the election, there are people that are feeling a whole host of emotions. This was a close, intense, emotional election for many and whether "your" candidate won or lost has probably affected you to some degree. I know plenty of Christians who have been angry about the fact that Barack Obama is the new President-Elect, and I also know plenty of Christians who are thrilled.

But regardless of what you're thinking, the host said, "It's important for us to remember that God isn't surprised by these results! This doesn't come as a shock or a disappointment to Him. God's not standing up there in Heaven freaking out and yelling, 'You guys! Oh, man, you really messed things up this time! This was NOT how it was supposed to happen! I can't believe this! What are we going to do now? This changes everything.' And, likewise, God's not saying, "Phew! Thank goodness! Good job, everyone. You pulled through. I was a little worried there for a while, but thankfully you people in the swings states knew what you were doing and Obama got enough electoral votes. Ok. We're still on track. Oh, I'm so relieved...' God knows what He's doing, folks. Believe it or not, the election results didn't surprise God one bit. This election didn't change anything in His grand plan -- in fact, it's part of it."

This is part of God's plan. Whether or not we like it or whether or not we agree with it, God clearly intended for Obama to be in office. Sure, it may not have been our plan. We don't know why, but it's part of His will. And whether or not we voted for Obama, he is going to be our new president, and I have no doubt that God's going to use this to His glory in some way.


Edge said...

I've taken the same stance. Thanks for posting that to remind us all we aren't in control!

Q said...

That's what I have to keep reminding myself.