Showing posts with label reason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reason. Show all posts


20 Reasons I Love My Best Friend:

Been thinking about my favoritest person in the whole entire galaxy a lot lately. Here are 20 reasons off the top of my head why I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

  1. When life stinks, I can go over to her house and she'll drop everything just to cry with me and hug me and talk to me for hours and hours until I feel better.

  2. She makes the best brownies...and the best french toast, the whole wide world!

  3. She calls me just to say Hi and see how my day's going

  4. She has the most amazing sense of humor and makes me laugh ALL THE TIME!

  5. She is BRILLIANT and gives the world's most incredible advice.

  6. She always knows exactly what I'm thinking (and she loves me anyway)!

  7. Whenever we go somewhere, she drives :)

  8. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be in a bad mood around her, because she is always so positively joyful.

  9. She is forever looking out for other people and helping in every way she can. She constantly gives of herself and has taught me SO MUCH about selflessness and serving.

  10. She is an incredibly faithful person and has helped me grow so much in my own faith.

  11. She's super-creative and has awesome, fun, and sometimes slightly crazy ideas!

  12. She's an excellent Scrabble player. We kick butt when we're on the same team :)

  13. Friday the 13th is her favorite day. Just like me.

  14. She is UNBELIEVABLY patient. Incredibly. Unfathomably. Unnaturally. (Well, I guess she has to be, to put up with me!!)

  15. She tells me when I'm wrong, or when I'm being stupid, or when I'm being totally irrational or completely unfair, and helps me see things more clearly.

  16. She has never ever ever ever ever ever ever used a curse word in all the 8 years I've known her.

  17. She remembers all sorts of little minor details or stories that I tell her. Even if I don't think they're important, she does.

  18. She can play football one moment and have a tea party the next.

  19. She can laugh at herself; she can be flexible when things don't go the way she planned and just laugh and move on. I, on the other hand, tend to have a conniption when plans changed. This is another area she's taught me a lot about -- flexibility :)

  20. Her hugs. They're the best thing in the world.


Reasons for my current state of..... *happy sigh*

Ahhhhhhh, it's days like today that make me think summer might actually be worth keeping. I mean, don't get me wrong; when I'm Dictator-of-the-World someday we certainly won't have three months of this revolting heat, laziness, and related misery, but maybe I'll allow a week or two. Maybe.

Current Reasons I'm at Peace with the Season of Summer:

-- Staying up freakishly late (I think it was 2am before I went to bed last night?) to work off a caffeine high and sleeping in the next morning without feeling guilty

-- Going to the library and finding that I have time to just hang out and chat with people instead of rushing off to somewhere else

-- Time to go for a run

-- Milkshakes (yeah, so that sort of negates the whole purpose of running, but whatever)

-- Swimming

-- Playing my guitar out on the patio as a breeze danced around me

-- Bare feet (I mean, sure, I've tried going barefoot in the winter, but it's rather painful; hypothermia and frostbite and all that)

-- Having the windows open

A very lovely day, all in all. And a very productive one as well! In addition to all of the above I also ran errands, unpacked from camp last week, started a load of laundry, scheduled a college campus visit, and sort of cleaned my room. Yahoo!

P.S. AP Psychology score came today -- I got a five. The perfectionist in me is finally satisfied.

*happy sigh*


Bad Moods and Why I’m No Longer In One

I’ve been rather grumpy lately, for a variety of reasons. Yesterday I was freakishly crabby for a good portion of the day. Now, sometimes I can get myself out of those funks just by refusing to succomb to them -- “I am NOT going to be in a bad mood today!!!”. But usually I can’t. Yesterday I couldn’t. I spent the majority of the day denying the fact that I was in a bad mood but snapping at everyone who came near me and glaring at everyone who didn’t.
Finally, I admitted to myself that I was in a bad mood and needed to do something about it. So I did one of the two things that nearly always makes me happy.

Running. Yes, I know there are plenty of biological reasons that this works -- endorphins are lovely things, after all, and it’s a great stress-reliever and all that. But I also love running because it gets me out of the house; lets me be alone to mutter and grumble and glare all I want and gives me an opportunity to push myself hard -- and be proud of the results. And it’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re proud of yourself!
As I result, I was back to my insanely perky and happy self last night.

Today, for a bunch of similar reasons, I was back in a bad mood (it’s rather exhausting being a teenager, isn’t it?!) Because I don’t have the time or energy to run again today, much as I’d like to, I turned to the second thing that nearly always makes me happy.

What’s on my playlist, you ask?

MMSG’s Top Five Songs to Listen To When You’re In A Bad Mood:

1. It’s the End of the World as We Know It -- R.E.M. I was introduced to this song while babysitting one night, actually. I very dramatically announced for some reason, “it’s the end of the world as we know it!!” and all three kids burst into the refrain of this song. By the end of that night, I knew it quite well. It’s one of those wonderfully cynical and pessimistic songs that is great to listen to when you’re mad at the world.

2. Falling Inside the Black -- Skillet. You’ve got to love the loudness, intensity and overly-dramatic ness of this song. Ooh, it’s positively chilling. While we’re on the subject, many of Skillet’s songs fit this description; other favorites include Whispers in the Dark and Rebirthing.

3. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) -- Green Day. I’m not a huge Green Day fan at all, but for some totally inexplicable reason this song appeals to me. I have no idea why, because it’s so monotonous and depressing, and yet, sometimes that’s exactly what I listen to when in the midst of whatever drama I’m going through, and it cheers me up. Don’t know why. But it does. I’m teaching myself to play it on the guitar.

4. Me Against the World -- Superchic[k]. Ok, so this song might not exactly have the same appeal if you’re a guy, but still. How can you argue with the line, “They said don’t try to change the world, you’re just a girl; so it’s me against the world today….”. I love the feeling of determination in this song!

5. Life is Good -- Stellar Kart. As hard as I try, I absolutely cannot be in a bad mood if I hear this song. It’s much too happy and exciting and wonderful; but not in an overly-optimistic gaggy way; more like just in a, “Ok, maybe-the-world’s-really-not-coming-to-an-end-today” kind of way.

(And! Since I’m now in such a good mood and feeling so incredibly generous, a bonus song!)
6. Bethlehemian Rhapsody -- Apologetix. I LOVE Apologetix’s parodies; they absolutely crack me up!! While all of their songs are ingenious and hysterical, this one happens to be my favorite. I think there are two versions of it out there, though, for some reason. I like the David and Goliath version best, if that makes any sense. And again, it's hard to be crabby when you're laughing hysterically.


Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Driving

(in no particular order)

  1. Headlights. Is it so freaking hard to turn them off, people?! Do you really need them when the street you’re driving on has streetlights every three feet or so? Must you have them on while you’re tailgating me? That’s sort of distracting, you know. And! When you’re coming towards me -- TURN THEM OFF, for pity’s sake! Are you TRYING to blind me?!?! Good grief.

  2. Squirrels. The blasted things must all be on death missions, I tell you. Seriously! Do they posses any common sense? Any at ALL? Shouldn’t they at least have some kind of survival instinct that tells them to RUN when big loud things come towards them? *I* am a big, loud thing coming towards them, and they either a) sit in the middle of the road and stare at me, b) wait until the last second to run away or c) run almost totally across the road, only inches from safety, only to turn around and run IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN to go to the OTHER side of the road.Nincompoops.

  3. Speaking of nincompoops, the squirrels aren‘t the only ones. About ¾ of the other drivers out there on the road seem to be one. See #1 above. Why can't people just be GOOD drivers?!?! It would make the whole experience that much more FUN, you know, instead of stressful!

  4. Drive-thrus. Ugh. It’s not exactly easy to manuever a minivan around all those cement barriers and tight turns and get close enough to the window to hand them your money and get your food without scraping your side view mirror on the building… UGH!

  5. Driveways. The short, curvy, long, windy (that’s WINE-dee, as in, it winds around a lot, not WIN-dee, as it, blowing breezes. Although a windy driveway would probably be unpleasant, too, if the wind was forceful enough…) tight, narrow, hilly or unpaved ones in particular. I absolutely hate 98% of driveways. I don’t like having to turn around. I don’t like having to back out, either, which sort of makes it hard to get out of just about every driveway in America.

  6. Pedestrians. I know, I know, you’re supposed to yield to them. I DO! That’s my problem! You can never tell where people are going (“is that woman going to cross the street? Is she waiting to cross or waiting for a bus? Is she walking down that road or going straight or turning?” etc, etc) so I always end up stopping when I don’t have to because it usually LOOKS like they’re going to cross the street only they don’t, and people behind me get mad.

  7. Speed limits. Or rather, everyone else's inability to GO the speed limit. Apparently I’m the only person who follows them, and the rest of the world feels the need to tailgate me and wuite frankly, people, THAT just makes me go slower, so there! *sticks out tongue*

  8. Toll Booths. Similar to the drive-thru issues, but toll booths also require intense amount of coordination and quick thinking. It’s multitasking while driveway. It’s insane! You’ve got to get in the correct lane (EZ-Pass? Or not? Cash only? Trucks only? Is a van a truck?!?) while avoiding all the other people who are swerving this way and that to get in THEIR correct lane. Then you need to slow down, roll down your window and not hit the car in front of you -- or the cement barriers, the “slow down” sign, or the toll booth itself -- pull up close enough to get the ticket, and then (after the gate raises, of course), accelerate back to a normal ramp speed and get into the correct lane to go where you’re going, all the while rolling up your window and setting the ticket down somewhere where you’ll be able to grab it quickly later. Don’t even ask me about the second half of toll booths, where you have to do all of the above and handle money, too….UGH!!!

  9. Merging. Lots of cars going fast, me trying to get in the midst of them before the lane ends…need I say more?

  10. Passengers. They talk to you, whistle, gasp, fiddle with the radio, make obnoxious comments, open their windows when you really don’t want to be blasted by air, make noise, ask you questions and certain people that I’m related to have a nasty habit of shrieking and bracing themselves on the dashboard in front of them everytime I slow down, as though they think they’re going to die. This is, as you can imagine, rather distracting as well.

And people wonder why I’d rather walk places!!!! SHEESH!


Contrary to popular belief....

....Running is not about math.

Not at all.

In fact, it has nothing to do with numbers.

This is what I discovered today.

Now, I know. I'm sure some of you are taking a deep breath and geering up for a big argument that no doubt starts with something along the lines of, "Well, actually MMSG, the sport of running has an awful lot to do with math. You see, there's rather important concepts like oh, say, distance, minutes, seconds, miles, kilometers, time, calories, speed, the distance/rate/time formula...all of these, believe it or not, are related to math and have an awful lot to do with numbers. So you see, you are very wrong."

Ok, fine. You've got a point. Maybe I should word it differently...

Running should not be about math. Or, for that matter, numbers.

I'm a relatively new runner. I only just started running last month.

But regardless, in these last few weeks, running and I have gone through a lot of phases.

When I first started running, there were a whole bunch of feelings, though most of them centered around the general idea that, "This is great! This is the coolest thing I've ever done! I love it!". Week one was mostly made up of excitement about trying something new.

By week two, however, the novelty had worn off. Excitement was replaced by exhaustion and thoughts like, "Oh, man. Shouldn't it be easier by now?! Ugh. I can't do this. There's no way I can keep doing this!" dominated my consciousness. I was tired and wondering how much longer I could keep it up. Was this really the right sport for me?

Week three hurt, quite frankly. If nothing else, it tested my resolve and determination.

But week four dawned bright and I found myself redoubling my efforts. Motivation soared as I hit the I've-been-running-for-one-month milestone and I pushed myself harder than ever; determined to prove how much I'd improved. Week four hurt, too, but at least I was proud of myself.

Week five was much the same; in the midst of a million other commitments I crammed in time to run... because I had to, after all. I had to get in those extra 10 minutes; I had to do that extra mile, I had to run a fourth day. I had to push myself even harder; I had to beat my best time; I had to get better and do more.

And today is the start of week six. And today also happens to be the day that I've had an ephiphany.

Which brings me back to the statement: Running is not (or should not) be about numbers.

What it boils down to, is that I have finally realized that when I am totally focused on miles, minutes or m.p.h., I'm not having fun.

I started running because it was fun. Because it relieved stress. Because, in the midst of a totally crazy life it gave me time to think my thoughts without distractions. I thrived on the time I spent running on my little country roads, surrounded by forests and birds in the distances and cornfields. I loved the solitude. It was refreshing and invigorating and it made me feel good.

But I allowed myself to get caught up in getting better; doing more; going further. My motivations shifted. Instead of wanting to run, I dreaded it, because I knew I'd be pushing myself even further and becoming even more exhausted. Instead of looking forward to something that had, just a few weeks ago, relaxed and refreshed me, I found that I was instead dreading this thing that was, ironically, causing me more stress.

The over-achieving perfectionist in me dominated the dreamer in me. And I wasn't happy anymore! It took a deer, an icy wind and a drenching rainstorm today, during my run, to make me realize that in a few short weeks I had -- all on my own -- managed to ruin one of the few things that made me happy. I had allowed the numbers to invade!

Here is what I told my very best friend about my revelation-of-a-run earlier today:

....It was an interesting run. I decided to do my favorite route and I set out under the looming, ominous, gloriously dark gray storm clouds praying the rain would hold off til I got home, with the goal of beating my current record, if even only by a few seconds. The first half of my run was great -- for the first time in a month, I felt like I've made some progress. I found that I was running for longer periods without slowing to a walk and I felt really good. So I kept pushing myself and pushing myself and soon I was gasping for breath and every muscle in my body was screaming, "No! I can't take anymore!" and I felt like I was going to throw up. At that point, I realized that if I was pushing myself to the point where I was making myself ill then clearly I'd lost sight of all the reasons I'd started running and I needed to chill out and rethink my priorities (I think all those endorphins make me all philosophical-like. The strangest thoughts go through my head when I run!).

As I was arguing with myself about all this, I turned a corner and quite literally almost ran right smack into a deer, who was just as surprised about our meeting as I was. I think we were only about a foot away by the time it lept one way and I veered the other way. It was pretty cool! (And a pretty stinking big deer, too, I might add!!!)

ANYWAY, now, (in my continued philosophical state) I wondered if perhaps this was God's way of telling me to slow down and enjoy this run, rather then push myself to total exhaustion. And since at that point, I was nearly doubled over from cramps, I sort of had to slow down to a "brisk walk" anyway.

It was at this point that I finally realized it was raining 9and, unbeknownst to me, probably had been for quite awhile) and I was rather wet. Drenched, actually.

So -- here I am, two miles away from home, drenched, caught in a downpour; being blow about by an icy wind [it's only about 50 degrees today anyway], in pain from intense running and already exhausted, and what do I do??

What do you think? This is me, we're talking about.

I stopped and looked heavenward and, in a very Hollywood-movie-like way, spread out my arms and twirled around in the decending drops and said, "Thank you, God, for thunderstorms."...

Is there something in your life that you are dreading right now, even though you used to enjoy it? Maybe it's because, without you realizing it, your priorities have shifted. Maybe you're doing something with different motivations or for different reasons then you originally intended.

There's more to life then numbers and being the best and beating records. Sometimes, you've got to do something solely because it brings you joy and helps you appreciate life. Sometimes, you just have to dance around in a thunderstorm.

"Life isn't about learning how to avoid the storms. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

p.s. I really REALLY like the title of this post. It's one of my favorite phrases! It just occurred to me that it might be a good title for this blog, instead of "Upon a Thought", which I don't really like. I might change it. Hmmm!


Christmas with a capital "C"!

OK -- plain and simple:
CHRISTmas is about CHRIST.
Thus the reason it's called "Christmas". Not "Presentmas", not "Decorateyourtreemas", not even "Snowyholidaymas", but "CHRISTMAS".

We celebrate the day that Christ was born. We celebrate the day that the Savior of the world became human and entered our earth to save us. We celebrate the fact that because of this baby, we have been saved from a fate of punishment and suffering and that, because of His unbelievable love and sacrifice, we've been blessed with the gift of eternal life in Heaven!

And if that's not a reason to celebrate, then I don't know what is!!

Around this time of year, there is always a lot of discussion about whether you say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas". I think it's so sad that people get so caught up in the words that are being said, instead of the meaning behind the words. I refuse to be drawn into a bitter argument about the right phrase to say -- it's Christmas. The time of celebrating love, not making enemies and arguments!!

During this wonderful, joyous season, please just remember the REASON for the SEASON: Christ. You know, the one they named the holiday after :)

And while you're at it, read these lyrics by an awesome group called Go Fish. They really sum it up nicely.


It’s called Christmas!

Well I went to the coffee shop to get myself a mocha,
The lady at the counter said "Happy holidays";
I said, "Thanks lady, I am pretty happy,
But there’s only one holiday that makes me feel that way."

It’s called Christmas, what more can I say?
It’s about the birth of Christ
and you can’t take that away.
You can call it something else,
but that’s not what it will be.
It’s called Christmas with a capital "C."

God's got a law and we pretty much destroyed it.
We’re gonna get judged, there’s no way to avoid it.
But Jesus came down to take the punishment for me.
He did it for you too, so maybe you can see . . .

Why It’s called Christmas, what more can I say?
It’s about the birth of Christ
and you can’t take that away.
You can call it something else,
but that’s not what it will be.
It’s called Christmas with a capital "C."

It’s called Christmas!
It’s called Christmas!
It’s called Christmas!
It’s called Christmas!

It’s called Christmas, what more can I say?
It’s about the birth of Christ
and you can’t take that away.
You can call it something else,
but that’s not what it will be.
It’s called Christmas with a capital "C."

This song can be found on their album, Snow.

Also, I invite you to check out the video of this song, which is pretty great :)