
Attitudes on snow

It snowed here the other day. You know, snow is really a remarkable thing...it's amazing how many different reactions there are to it, and how many things influence those reactions. Personally, I find it sad that so many people are annoyed at the thought of snow. So many people see it as a chore or a curse, which is such a travesty!

Take age, for example: It's funny. Declare, "It's snowing!" to a roomful of five-year-olds, and you will be greeted by cheers and "Hoorays!"; grins and giggles; immediate plans to build snow forts and snow people, and whispered prayers for "a humongous storm!". But mention the word around a group of adults, and you'll experience a very different reaction. Most likely, there will be groans and eye-rolling; someone will comment about last minute items that need to be picked up at the grocery store and the fact that the plows never come soon enough and oh, great; now I have to spend tomorrow morning shoveling my driveway when I'd much rather be doing....you get the idea. And don't even think about mentioning snow to my grandmother -- you'll be in for a two-hour rant about how hard it is to clean off her car and how awful ice is and why can't we just have a perpetual summer, anyway? While there are some exceptions, obviously, for the most part, our reaction to snow changes with age. That depresses me. I mean, just look how those five year old reacted -- total, utter joy at this fun and unexpected blessing. They didn't think about the extra work snow causes, how cold and wet they'll get playing outside and how much longer it will take to get dressed, thanks to all the extra layers, coats, hats, boots, gloves, etc... they were just happy. We can learn a lot from them! I honestly think it's a devastating thing when our childlike joy turns to griping and groaning.

Although, the time of year affects our views on snow, too. If a meteorologist mentions "snow" on October 1st, most people are shocked. A few months later, say around December 24th, and you'll probably find half the country praying for snow; in hopes of having a fairy-tale "White Christmas". But by the time February roles around, most people are sick of snow; mention
"snow" in April and you might very well be shunned.

And when you think about it, snow is a pretty special substance....it really does deserve to be celebrated; looked at with awe and wonder, not complained about! It's really the only type of weather that is more less confined to one season -- winter. We don't get this stuff all the time, folks...we should enjoy it while we can! It's such an incredible thing! There is absolutely nothing like walking through fresh snow and hearing that wonderful "crunching" sound. And, admit it -- who doesn't love catching a snowflake on their tongue once and a while? And have you ever noticed how quiet and peaceful everything seems when it's covered with snow...the proverbial "blanket" covers and muffles everything. And then there's snowflakes themselves; I could go on forever about how much I love the individuality of snowflakes or the way they sparkle, but I'm sure it's all be said before.

What I love about snow is that it wields such power over our emotions. Snow has the power to completely stop us in our tracks, and just gaze at it's indescribable beauty. Snow has the power to just make us smile and sigh happily. Snow makes us think of all kinds of good things -- hot chocolate, warm fires, Christmastime and memories from other winters. And regardless of how annoying it can be and how much a sudden snowstorm might mess up our plans, when snow melts away, it does leave behind a somewhat depressing feeling, doesn't it? I think everyone sighs sadly at some point, as they notice the inches of fluff turning to nothingness and leaving the mud and cinders behind...and pine trees just looked better when capped with snow....

So next time you see snow, are you going to sigh in digust or sigh in wonder at God's beauty? Will you notice the glorious sparkle of the tiny flakes or just the fact that you have to shovel your sidewalk? Will you listen to your crunching footsteps or just think about how cold your toes are? Will you smell the snow, or just wrinkle your nose at it?

I just love snow :)


Madison said...

I love snow too. :D

Did you know that snowflakes are formed around specks of dirt? Maybe you don't want to eat them. ;)

Erin said...

Really great post. We got our first snow Sunday afternoon and Monday it kept at it and today it's STILL snowing! Every time I look out the window I smile and sing "Let it snow let it snow let it snow!" and dance a little. I love snow. It makes me incredibly happy. :D

(here through anilee's^^ blog)

Sancho Moss said...

I love it how you can actually smell the snow in the air! Very fun post!

Jessica said...

I love this post - and I love snow! Ooh... I really miss snow right now. *Sighs - not in disgust - but just remembering all the happy memories*