
Here we go again...!

Greetings, all!

Well...as many of you know, I used to have a blog. I used it as my online journal; mostly a place to rant and rave and tell the world of every solitary thing going on in my life. But, lo and behold, as life got busier, blogging sank lower and lower on the priority list...*sigh* But I have to admit, in the year or so since I've posted on my old blog, I have missed it...So, when my friend Anidori more or less demanded I get a blog, I thought, "Well...it couldn't hurt to try...!"

So here begins a renewed attempt at blogging. The posts will be sporadic and random; about whatever thoughts are consuming my head at the moment. Who knows what will end up here...maybe some poems, maybe some stories, maybe some musing, maybe some quotes, maybe some arguments; most likely, a good mix of all of the above.
