
Best Books to Read: Classics!

Ever been to the "young adult" section of a library or bookstore? I try to avoid it at all costs. Given, there are a few contemporary authors I love -- Lois Lowry, Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling. But for the most part, I find today's authors to be shallow, whiny, and unskilled. Inevitably, most of the books will center around the same few themes (with a few minor variations in a pathetic attempt to be "different"). Usually, you've got the whiny teenage "love" affairs (more on my take on teenage "love" and dating in another post) -- "My boy/girl friend left/cheated on me, how on earth will I ever survive?!?!". Or, you've got the stereotypical, "I hate the world and the world hates me" point of view. This bothers me quite a bit -- no wonder teens have such a negative stereotype in our world today! We're always portrayed as angry, shallow beings, and books like this just encourage that view. If you do manage to find a book not relating to these kinds of themes, it will more likely then not be filled with immorality of all sorts -- cheating, lying, stealing, drugs, sex, you name it; all because somehow, young adult authors have gotten the idea that this is what appeals to teens!

Obviously, nobody asked me.

Because of all this, when I walk into a library or bookstore, I always gravitate towards the "Classics" section. I feel much more at home among the rows of the works of Shakespeare, Poe, and George Orwell then I ever would among the contemporary young adult "novels".

Now, admittedly, many of us have read these books in school. But I strongly encourage you to read them again, on your own time, for no reason other then exploring them and enjoying them. I've found that often when reading a book for an assignment, I race through it in order to complete it on time and often miss the meaning, and the "magic" (yeah...I know...that sounded corny. But it's true!).

And so, here is a list -- though most definitely not a complete list, because there are millions of great classics out there! -- but a list nonetheless of 10 great classics that everyone should read -- or re-read, as the case may be:

  • Animal Farm, by George Orwell
  • 1984, by George Orwell
  • War of the Worlds, by Orson Wells
  • Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
  • To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
  • The Lord of the Rings Triology, by J. R. R. Tolkien
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare
  • Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare
  • And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie
  • Lord of the Flies, by William Golding


Erin said...

Eek, I need to get reading! I've read LOTR and the two Shakespeare plays (have you read King Lear? That should be a must-read in my opinion).

Thanks for the Agatha Christie suggestion, I've only read one of hers--Cat Among the Pigeons--but I loved it.

Anidori-Isilee said...

I tend to read young adult books, but I know exactly what you mean. Like the book I'm reading now?...It's good and fun, but it's ntohing special. But then I've found some really good young adult books like The Goose Girl and Wildwood Dancing and Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City and Pirates! and Magic or Madness and A Northern Light and the list could go on.

I've read Animal Farm and The Lord of the Rings and To Kill a Mockingbird plus eight Shakespeare plays, none of which are the two you've mentioned. But does that count anyway?

Emily said...

Erin: And Then There Were None is one of my all time favorite books EVER -- I read it in a little over an hour the first time, it was so good, I couldn't put it down!

Thanks for the suggestions, guys...! I'm always glad to hear about great books :) I haven't read all of King Lear, but I have heard it's good.

Sancho Moss said...

Personally I hated both 1984 and Lord of the FLies. They were so dark and you could see no good coming out of them. Readfing them I felt like I was in one of those dreams running towards some danger, but my feet kept going and I couldn't stop them. That's kind of like those books. You can see the darkness and evil coming, and you know it will happen, and I wish it would come out different but no....

YAY! Agatatha Christie!

I'm just starting into the Dark is Rising. Do you guys have any opinons on them?