

abhorrent, abominable, alarming, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, contemptible, cursed, deplorable, depressing, despicable, detestable, dire, disgusting, distressing, dreadful, fearful, foul, frightful, ghastly, grim, grody, gross, gruesome, grungy, harrowing, hateful, heinous, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrific, horrifying, nasty, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repulsive, revolting, rotten, shocking, stinking, terrible, ugly, unpleasant, unsightly, very bad, vile, wretched.



[Who doesn't love]

I leave for camp in 20 hours. I've packed nothing. I really should get to it. But I happen to harbor a hatred of packing. Now, don't get me wrong; I am SO PSYCHED!!!!!!! for camp, but the packing is always somewhat of a challenge, due to my abhorring the whole process and all. *sigh*
But my bed is totally covered with a variety of things I want to bring with me, so I really do need to transfer it all to the duffel, or else I shall be sleeping on the floor tonight...... and it could very well take me hours just to get upstairs to my room to begin the bed-cleaning-off process. After all, my procrastination skills are pretty darn amazing.

I'll be back Friday. If I remember and am feeling particularly loquacious, I'll try to preschedule some posts; however if it is bizarrely quiet here for the next 6 days, well, now you know why :)
I expect to come home to plenty of comments telling me how much I was missed!!!! :-P

[edit: Sunday 8:15am: Well now. Apparently my procrastination skills are much more well-developed and unbelievably amazing then even *I* thought. I managed to waste the entire evening last night. The stuff on my bed? Still there. I slept on the floor last night. I now have 15 minutes of packing time before we leave for church (which I am squandering away here, online, instead of upstairs with my duffel. Hmm.) and, if I'm lucky, there will be a whole hour in between church and leaving for camp in which I can eat lunch, change, and finish packing.
Yep. We're cooking now.]


Patrice said...

I have to pack for a weekend at my dads twice a month, so I am pretty much a pro at packing. I have it down to a fine art now!

Q said...

I miss you already!

Holly said...

Haha, sounds like we have the same packing method. Or, the method in our packing madness is the same one, anyways.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful journey and experience!