
My very good excuse

I actually have a fairly good reason for not _osting. My letter-that-comes-between-o-and-q key on my keyboard is broken. Actually, it WAS broken, now it's just GONE. For a few weeks, it was just loose, and therefore working s_oradically, if I whacked it hard enough. But my _sycho cat went and ri_ _ed the darn thing off com_letely, and now, no _'s. And I have to admit, it is driving me CRAAAAZY. More than it should, I'm sure. But I've kind of been avoiding any long emails/_osts/etc because, well, do you know how many words have the letter _ in them?!

A lot. A whole lot.

On the very bright side, though, my com_uter is still under warranty, so the lovely _eo_le at Dell covered the cost of a new keyboard. Thank you, lovely _eo_le at Dell. You've made me very ha_ _ y. Anyway, that should be here in a few days. Sweetness.


Lady Brainsample said...

Ha ha! I'm sorry for the loss of your _, but I really enjoyed this _ost.
And aren't _sycho cats awesome? I have one of my own and we call her that all the time.

Q said...

You poor girl. I pity you so perfectly. I'm pretty glad you're happy about getting a new keyboard with a P key on it.

Holly said...

Eeks! Poor keyboard...