
My itty bitty attention span...

I have absolutely nothing of worth to say today, however I am trying VERY HARD to get in the habit of posting here more frequently. So the quantity will increase...but the quality, eh, might take some time to improve ;) But hey, baby steps :) Speaking of increased posting, did you notice? April happened to be the best month thus far this year, with 7 whole posts. Not exactly great, mind you but at least it's progress! Goal is 8 posts for May :)

As such, I will continue the tradition of many of the blogs I've been reading lately, and post a totally random post that has no relevance to anything :)

I mowed the grass today for the first time all season and I absolutely, positively LOVED it. Mowing the grass is my all time FAVORITE chore; I go out there and hop on the riding mower and plug in my MP3 headphones and spend an hour and a half singing at the top of my lungs and waving to neighbors who came outside to see what was causing all the racket ("Oh, hi, Mrs D! No, there's no dying cat out here...I just looooove this song! Was I dancing? No, of course not, you can't dance while driving a riding mower....! Yes, I'm watching what I'm doing...oh, no, that forsythia bush has always looked lopsided. I didn't shave off the side...").
It's quite amusing, I have to say :)

I have to say, as much as I despise summer (I truly do. Hmmm, I should do a list...Top 10 reasons why I hate summer...), I do love the fact that it means grass-mowing season is here!

And just because it looks like fun, a meme I keep seeing all over the place:

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4.Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people and post a comment to the person who tagged you once you’ve posted your three sentences.

Tagged by: um, no one. I just felt like doing it :)

Book: well, sadly, my nearest book happens to be my Chemistry textbook. That's no fun. So, the second nearest book is George Orwell's incredible 1984, which I am reading for about the 40 billionth time.

"Winston, in addition to his regular work, spent long periods of time every day in going through back files of the Times and altering and embellishing news items which were to be quoted in speeches. Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air. The rocket bombs crashed oftener than ever, and sometimes in the far distance there were enormous explosions which no one could explain and about which there were wild rumors."

And now, I tag Somnite

Oh, and one more thought. Oreos. Mmm, they're amazing, aren't they? In all honestly they're probably nothing more then pure sugar and artificial-ness, and yet....mmmmmmm!
I positively love just plain old Oreos. Now, all the other varieties -- mint, coffee, peanut butter, etc -- are fantastic as well, don't get me wrong, but the original Oreos are my all time favorite.
Yes. I like them even more then the beloved double stuff ones.
Quite frankly, I've never been an obsessive Oreo cream lover. You know how most people LOVE the cream and the commercials are always about fighting over the cream side? Not me. I love the cookie part the best; I'm a chocolate freak, not a cream freak.

Anyway, out of curiosity:

Best part of Oreos?

(If you are using a feed reader the above poll may not show up)

P.S. Iced coffee makes me a little hyper :)


Madison said...

I have never mowed the grass in my life. That's what brothers are for.

The only thing I like about summer is NO SCHOOL!

I don't really like Oreos, but in my opinion, it's the whole cookie that's best.

Somnite said...

I HATE MOWING. I hesitate even to do it for pay for neighbors. I do owever love bush-trimming.

When it is my turn to use the riding mower (me and my brothers alternate so that no one gets an easier job every time) I do get out my MP3 player and sing along.

And really, I guess I can only blame my self for the innopportune moment of your tag, because the nearest book happens to be my French Text book.

Q said...

When I was about five I wanted to make my parents leave the grass unmowed until it was as tall as I was so I could have a jungle to play in. They didn't listen to me.

Patrice said...

yeah, my brother has always done the grass cause I'm allergic to it... I think my mom just doesn't want to unleash me on the lawn.

Emily said...

Patrice: Haha. I'm allergic to it, too, but I'm also unbelievably stubborn and I mow through the sneezing!!

Q: we have a relatively big yard and in the back is where we have a min-forest of pine trees. No one really ever goes back there for anything, so it seemed like a good place for a jungle, right? And besides, I told my parents, it would seriously cut down the mowing time required if we just didn't mow half the yard... one summer I even went so far as to lug big rocks and branches out and scatter them throughout that part of the yard, figuring if mowing was impossible, my parents would give in. No such luck *sigh*

Q said...

I guess great minds think alike! ;)